Knowing Your Rights With Work Claims
When you file an accident at work claim you need to know your rights from the beginning of the process. While the process should really be straightforward and simple, often you will find that your accident at work claim is met with more resistance and discouraging events than anything.
Since most companies are more concerned with profits than people, it can be very difficult for you to receive the treatment and the fair sense of benefits that you deserve. Companies lose money on employees that are hurt and can’t work, and they aren’t very patient when it comes to the body’s rate of healing.
Granted, there have been plenty of cases where the company in question has been taken advantage of. This doesn’t mean that you are part of the fraud, but it does mean that these days you will have to be well aware of your rights if you don’t want to be forced back to work despite your physical condition. Their insurance company has a physician on hand also know as QME ready to disagree with the finding of your regular treating physician, and by law you can be forced back if you are left unprotected.
Make sure you have a lawyer. Even if your injuries seem relatively minor at first, assume that counsel is in your best interest. In most cases you will have a nurse practitioner assigned to talk with you and review your progress and your care. A lawyer can get you and the nurse, whose job is also to report back to the insurance company. Do not expect to be accurately represented in his or her reports.
A lawyer, like the experts at Geklaw can also help you understand things. For instance, sometimes a physician will prevent your return to work because additional motion will exacerbate the injury. While light duty is often a first choice, there are many factors that come into play when you’re talking about how your job affects your health.
Your company is going to try to deny you the rightful benefits that are owed to you because they need to challenge your claim. In some cases their tactics are barely legal or are just shady enough to require a lawyer to intervene. When your company starts pushing too hard a lawyer can get in between the motions and protect your rights to your health.
Be sure that you file an accident at work claim from the very first appointment with a board physician and contact a lawyer as soon as possible to have a consultation. While you may find you don’t need a lawyer, it’s always better to be protected than to be left wide open.…